Business Process Redesign (BPR) or Business Process Engineering (BPE) is the scientific term for answering the question “how do we do it?” It is a systematic approach to identifying your business processes, transactions, and tasks along with the methodology for handling these processes, transactions, and tasks.
Business Process Engineering is the cornerstone of a successful system. It is the basis of the system requirements and the blueprint for implementation.
Business process review
- Identifying objectives and activities
- Identifying specific processes
- Identifying process dependencies
- Identifying transactions
- Identifying workflows

Workflow mapping
- Identifying transactions
- Identifying tasks
- Sequencing tasks and transactions
- Identifying documentation
- Identifying key business indicators
- Identifying indicator data
- Mapping data to processes
- Filtering data
- Presenting and interpreting data

When would you do BPE? Here are some key events that may trigger the need for some level of BPE:
- Looking for areas to improve efficiencies and reduce costs
- Anticipating or experiencing growth
- Embarking on business software selection
- Engaged in a system implementation that appears to be drifting off course
We can put together a BPE plan for you that will help to uncover problems and identify areas where opportunities exist for improvements in your organization.
Please contact us for more information regarding our business process redesign solutions and to find out how you can continue growing at a sustainable rate.