k2 supernova webinar cloud automation

A Process Automation Demo You Don't Want To Miss!

Energize your company’s performance with a Contract Management process from Supernova Consulting using K2. 

As we emerge from the challenges of COVID-19, many experts agree that all businesses need to increase their level of automation.

Why not start with the way you manage those all-important contracts with customers who will enable you to return to business as effectively as possible? 


See a short preview of our webinar below:


Join us in this webinar, the first in a series, and learn how K2's process automation platform can help your company grow and take innovation to a new level. You can either attend in person live or receive a recording of the session on-demand in your inbox. 

Are you interested in this webinar? Register by completing the form on this page!

Contract Management - K2 Webinar


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