Since the Coronavirus outbreak, many people are being forced to work from home for the first time, in order to slow down the spread of the virus (including our team as well).
However, turning our home into our office is difficult, such because it is very challenging to separate work and daily life - especially when both exist in the same place.
Start adopting the following habits to work more efficiently from home:

- Wear informal outfits and shoes, instead of pyjamas.
- Pick one specific workspace, with a comfortable chair (not your bedroom).
- Wake up at least 30 minutes before your workday starts and get ready for the day.
- Get focused by listening to relaxing music and take breaks when needed.
- Have lunch breaks with no work-related tasks.
- Use headphones and mute your microphone during conference calls (unless you're speaking).
- When the day is over, sign out and turn off notifications for work-related emails and tasks.
- Try to socialize after work, even with just a video call.
- Stay active with effective workouts you can do at home after work.
SAP also supports remote working and flexible work schedules. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, approximately 20% of SAP's global employee population were not based out of an SAP office.
Life at SAP team sought the expert advice of the SAP community, to help new remote workers get on top of their new work-life situation. (answers have been edited and condensed for clarity).
Check some tips from the SAP Community below:

1. Structure your day and stick to your schedule
Get a routine going. CALENDAR CHUNK your day/week out! At home, distractions are a given (ahem, my fridge, kids, pets – it goes on)! It is very easy to lose yourself while working from home. Sometimes it feels like you can work 24/7, so you need to set up a structure. Try to put a limit to your working hours. – Danielle N.
Define schedules. It is easier to keep working much longer than at the office or skip work if you are not disciplined. Explain to your family that those schedules have to be respected – even if you are at home, you are busy working. – Zareh V.

2. Start your day with a work "ritual"
My routine: wake up, workout, shower, get dressed (usually jeans with a nice top, although, some days I do enjoy staying in yoga pants and a t-shirt), then begin my workday, which I set dedicated hours. – @mpetit23
Keep a routine. You may even want to take a walk around the block to start and end your day with a separation “commute”. – Jeanne D.
3. Stay connected, online and offline
Keep yourself available on Skype and respond to calls. Desk conversations which usually help resolve some work concerns can’t happen when you work from home. So being in constant touch with colleagues in a collaborative channel helps. – Aditi K.
Keep connected. The thing I miss most about the office is random chats at the coffee corner. Schedule these in with various members of your team or your network to stay connected. – Melissa B.
4. Invest in good technology and be professional
I’ve got a home office setup and love Teams and Zoom for remote meetings. I also use SAP Relay to stay in touch with colleagues. – Rebecca B.
Get a good desktop Teams/Skype–enabled speakerphone (SAP folks all know which one we mean!). Learn where the mute button is. In big meetings it’s polite to be on mute. Remember to turn it off when you need to talk! – Gavin C.

5. With kids, try waking up earlier or find ways to keep them busy
Wake up before the kids need help with the morning school preparation in order to plan the day and get a good cup of coffee in your favorite mug while you are checking your e-mails. – Marisa S.
My biggest challenge right now is that my 3 kids are learning from home as well. Balancing between being not disturbed and not to negatively affect the whole home is not an easy task. My best solution is to be an early bird and finish the most important tasks first while it is quiet. – Mahmoud A.
6. Don’t ignore your basic needs
Take breaks just like you would in an office. It’s easy to forget to do that! – Patricia S.
Remember to have snacks and eat! It’s easy to get caught up in your work and skip lunch. – Hidali A.

No matter where you are in the world and the changes you have to implement at this moment to adapt to new circumstances and continue to deliver results, we are in this together.
Let’s encourage everyone around us to support each other and ensure that we listen and empathize.