"Technology like art is a soaring exercise of the human imagination"
We believe technology is our future and support any action related to it 🤖🚀
We are very excited and proud to be sponsors of Robotex Cyprus!
The Cyprus Computer Society returns with the third edition of the of the Pancyprian Robotics Competition ROBOTEX CYPRUS that will take place on the 29th and 30th June 2019 at the Athletic Centre of the University of Cyprus.
The event is organized under the auspices of H.E the President of the Republic of Cyprus Mr. Νίκος Αναστασιάδης (Nicos Anastasiades).
Robotex Cyprus returns with new challenges, competitions and robotic platforms.Expecting that the number or participating teams, players and robots will achieve new record numbers.
See you all at Robotex Cyprus 2019, in June 29-30!